equipping one generation to equip the next...
Each HOFCC Congregation is diligent in seeking opportunities to plant, or assist in planting, new family integrated churches.
If you are planting or considering planting a Family-Integrated Church, some of the Household of Faith resources are available here for download, or may be requested by e-mail.
Second Saturday of each month, 7:00am Pacific Time. Dial (218) 862-4122, and enter participation code 60308.
Household of Faith Fellowship of Churches sermons are available through SermonAudio.com.
A list, not exhaustive by any means, of family-focused ministries, outreach, and other useful resources.
These books are recommended for a deeper understanding of sound doctrine, the family-integrated church and related topics.
Losing its youth to the world at a rate of 80% per generation, today’s church is failing in its most significant role - making disciples to replenish the church of tomorrow.
© 2015 Household of Faith Fellowship of Churches