equipping one generation to equip the next...

Leadership Institute

Leadership Institute (LI) is designed for the leadership development of the men of our Household of Faith Community Churches. Every householder should consider himself the “pastor” of his own family, and for this reason, LI is crafted to teach each participant to “think like an elder.” Helping to equip the men of each local church as effective shepherds and theologians of their own households, LI becomes a powerful instrument for the development of future leaders of the church at large.

The objectives of the institute are to: 

  • > Improve the basic preaching skills of the designated preachers in our HOFCC congregations. 
  • > Develop the Bible-study skills of all participants. 
  • > Ensure that our HOFCC congregations are consistently fed with quality, inspirational, doctrinally sound expository sermons. 
  • > Cultivate future HOFCC elders, deacons, preachers and church planters. 
  • > Aid in the equipping of fathers as the spiritual leaders of their homes. 
  • > Engage the next generation of men in intentional Christian leadership development.

These things are accomplished as “iron sharpens iron.”   The men “rub elbows” with the elders of their church in the preparation of expository sermons, the use of Bible study resources, in being confronted with theological problem solving and by responding to simulated counseling scenarios. These activities build leadership and confidence in the participants and ignite a passion for the study and communication of God’s Word. It also deepens the fellowship in the fraternity of fathers and sons in the local congregation.

Though any father and son (typically ages 16 and up, depending on the congregation) may attend LI, it is not necessarily for everyone. Vancouver HOFCC, for example, has about a dozen households engaged in LI, with average attendance around 15 to 18 men. We apply no pressure on men to participate, though word of mouth keeps the building pretty full. Twice a year we offer our young men an opportunity to preach a sermon at the institute. In the past year we have had sets of three and four young men prepare and preach genuine, thoughtful expository messages to the group. This is an excellent way to “stamp” the mechanics of preparing and preaching a message into the hearts of these young men.

Meetings typically go from 7 to 9 PM. An outline of a typical Leadership Institute meeting follows below:

7:00 Prayer – giving everyone the opportunity to pray for the meeting and/or needs of the body.
7:15 Critique of the Sermon - from the previous Sunday. The objective is to encourage. It would be appropriate to share three positive things from the message and one potential area of improvement for the speaker. Some groups use a prepared critique sheet, others do not. We have pasted to the right a simple outline that may be helpful in getting started in the critique process.
7:40 Pastoral Moment – during this time an elder or designated leader guides the group through a planned activity. It may be a discussion of a chapter from a book the group is reading through together on preaching, pastoring or parenting. It may be taking the men through a staged counseling situation or a discussion of a doctrinal problem or moral challenge that someone has faced. The key is to get the men involved so that everyone is engaged in developing an increasingly more biblical worldview in every issue of life.
8:00 Break for Dessert – suggest that a great effort be made to offer high-quality desserts or hors d'oeuvres. The hospitality of the host family, including the presentation of unique and delicious food, has shown the greatest honor for our men and created a refined atmosphere that the men of every age appreciate.
8:15 Sermon Prep – for the message following on the second Sunday after the meeting (12 days after a Tuesday meeting). As we begin to look forward to this upcoming message, the meeting is turned over to the preacher designated to preach on that week. In order to give the group some context and a head start with the text, the preacher should come with some idea of what he expects to present. Depending upon how far the preacher has pre-developed his message, the group can help him with shaping the sermon. We like to use the following outline in assisting the designated preacher:

  1. > The Big Idea: Identify the “golden thread” or key theme that the author has presented in the text?
  2. > Observations: What are glaring observations in the text? What is key to the context or timeframe? Who are we talking to? What is the prevailing theme? Why this theme now and to this audience? What are the surprises or apparent contradictions in the text?
  3. > Interpretation: Considering the observations, and rightly dividing the Word of Truth, what interpretations do we have of the scriptures in view? Interpreting scripture by scripture, what other texts bear out the message or enlighten the passage?
  4. > Principle: What key principles can we derive from the text? Are they prescriptive or descriptive? Do they apply to us today? Has God given here a blueprint that applies to us in a given way?
  5. > Application: How can we apply the teaching to our lives today? Present to the body thought-provoking themes in a digestible manner where, at some point, members of all ages can understand, at minimum, the central elements of the sermon.

Evaluation Form
Leadership Institute

Attention grabber 
Relevant / effective 

Voice Usage 
Volume / variation 
Pauses / emphasis 

Passionate / timely 
Appropriate / natural 

Big idea - from text 
Supports author’s intent 

Logical progression 
Clearly supports thesis 

Supports thesis 
Applied correctly 

Quotes reliable sources 
Supported thesis 

Interesting / personal 
Relevant to message 

Points to Christ/Gospel 
Appealed to the heart 

Derived from text 
Relevant / motivating 

Tie in from opening 
Memorable imperative

Household of Faith Fellowship of Churches
7325 NE Imbrie Dr, #256 Hillsboro, Oregon, 97124
Phone: 503.809.9090
Email: info@hofcc.org

© 2016 Household of Faith Fellowship of Churches